The Vedas English
Various is the correct author for any book with multiple unknown authors, and is acceptable for books with multiple known authors, especially if not all are known or the list is very long (over 50). If an editor is known, however, Various is not necessary. List the name of the editor as the primary author (with role 'editor'). Contributing authors' names follow it. Note: WorldCat is an excellent res Various is the correct author for any book with multiple unknown authors, and is acceptable for books with multiple known authors, especially if not all are known or the list is very long (over 50). If an editor is known, however, Various is not necessary.
This is a complete English translation of the Rig Veda by Griffith Introduction.
The Vedas English
List the name of the editor as the primary author (with role 'editor'). Contributing authors' names follow it. Note: WorldCat is an excellent resource for finding author information and contents of anthologies.
Hinduism - The Vedas The Veda are the most sacred scriptures of Hinduism. They constitute its most foundational work, which every Hindu tradition and sect claims as its source. They also embody the most ancient ritual and spiritual traditions of the world. Hidden within them are a number of secrets which are yet to be fully deciphered and understood.
The Vedas English Pdf
The Four Vedas In English
The Vedas are not manmade. They are revelatory scriptures, which exist eternally in the highest world of Brahman. Soal sejarah kelas 10.
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