Title: Evergreen Malayalam Songs Johnson Hits Vol-1 Audio Jukebox Description: 'Johnson Master' was an Indian film score composer and music director who has given music to some of the most important motion pictures of Malayalam cinema. He was noted for his lyrical and expressive melodies together with simple but rich tonal compositions of thematic music. Johnson is a recipient of National Film Awards twice and Kerala State Film Awards five times. Subscribe Now Satyam Jukebox: /user/satyamjukebox Satyam Videos: /user/satyamvideos Satyam Audios: /user/SatyamAudio Follow us Satyam Audios Facebook - /SatyamAudios Satyam Audios Twitter - Satyam Audios Website - Satyam Audios Pinterest - /satyamaudios/ .
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