Stay Woke By Childish Gambino
Stay Woke: 5 Funny Covers Of Childish Gambino's 'Redbone' May 31, 2017 - 5:13 pm by Ashley Pickens From Kermit the Frog to Famous Dex, here are new spins on the sultry jam. Stay Woke Childish Gambino Redbone Rap Hip-Hop Hoodie Sweatshirt. By Stay Woke. $32.99 $ 32 99. INFEP-hoodie Men Black Generic Childish Gambino 3005 Particular Short Sleeve Hoodies. By INFEP-hoodie. $44.00 $ 44 00.
Stay Woke Childish Gambino Clean
Stay Woke By Childish Gambino
In an episode of Donald Glover’s FX show “Atlanta,” his character Earn accompanies an on-again, off-again girlfriend Van to the Juneteenth party of an old bourgeois friend and her woke white husband, who emphatically catalogs black culture at every turn—among other things, he performs slam poetry about Jim Crow. Over the course of the episode, Earn and Van, then estranged, reconcile and become lovers again. The show opens with the sound of and closes with. If you were to find the intersection of all these points, you’d arrive at “Redbone,” the latest track from Glover’s upcoming album as, (Coincidentally, a still from the episode was the of the album’s artwork.) “Redbone,” a full-blown funk slow jam, parses love, lust, reconciliation, generations of black soul, and wokeness. “Redbone,” like the episode, seems to string different narratives together. A scene unspools where yearning and desire are aimed at an uncommitted lover, hinting at the title (redbone is slang for a light-skinned black woman) while giving warning in the intermissions. “Stay woke!” he shouts in a half-squeal on the hook.
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