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DATES March 21 - April 19 HOUSE 1 WORD FOR GUARDIAN General WORD FOR ZODAI Major COLOR Red ELEMENT Cardinal House, Fire STRENGTH Military THE CONSTELLATION The Ram constellation has three colonized planets and a small sun, but only the largest planet Phaetonis has breathable atmosphere, and it’s thin. Igcse business studies revision notes. The planet’s porous, making its gravity weak, though walking on the surface is possible with the aid of an air mask. Ek dil ek jaan download.
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Phaetonian cities are sheltered under high-tension fabric domes, held aloft by air pressure like giant inflated beach balls, and their buildings squat like bunkers. The People, Personality House Aries brings Military strength to the Zodiac, so it makes perfect sense that its people are brave, bold, competitive, battle-ready, aggressive, boastful, and natural leaders. Aries is the most ancient House in the galaxy: There’s evidence that human pioneers colonized Aries first, before spreading to the other Houses. The People, Physically Arieans are the most physically fit people in the Zodiac. Their complexions range from dark pink to wine tones, and the average height for both Ariean men and women is six feet. The Technology When an Ariean turns seventeen, she is considered an adult and is issued an Earpiece—a small device Arieans get pierced into their right ears.
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