Parts Of The Brain And Their Functions

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The cerebrum is divided into two equal halves called hemispheres and controls our thoughts and actions. It is the largest part of the brain, located in the forebrain, and consists of four lobes. The parietal lobe is responsible for recognition, movement, orientation and perception of stimuli. The temporal lobe controls memory, speech and perception of auditory stimuli.

  1. Parts Of The Brain And Their Functions Chart
  2. Parts Of The Brain And Their Functions Psychology

Parts of the Brain and Their Functions Cerebrum The cerebrum is the largest portion of the brain, and contains tools which are responsible for most of the brain's function.

Amygdala6 parts of the brain

Parts Of The Brain And Their Functions Chart

The frontal lobe assists us with problem solving, movement, planning, reasoning, parts of speech and emotions. Last but not least, the occipital lobe controls our sense of sight. The neocortex accounts for the largest part of the cerebrum. This six-layer structure is responsible for higher information processing.

Parts Of The Brain And Their Functions Psychology

The cerebellum is part of the hindbrain and, like the cerebrum, has two hemispheres. It contains more than half of the neurons in the brain and is responsible for motor control, sensory perception and coordination. Neural pathways connect the cerebellum with the cerebral motor cortex, which aids muscle movement. Damage to the cerebellum hinders fine motor skills and causes muscle weakness.

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